You can put Xfce monitoring pluging on a transparent panel ( to get transparent panel you have to enable compositing).Īhenobarbi: xfce panel without compositing makes transparent icons too and i can't enable compositing beacuse i'm using compiz-fusion. Posted: Thu 5:03 pm Post subject: Re: xfce dock and desklets The most common monitoring tool as background on the desktop is Conky Yes i know that xfce have monitoring plugins but i found just that can be placed on panel but i want something like gdesklets, but i don't want have to load half of gnome.thanks You can also use adesklets/gdesklets with Xfce Xfce has panel plugins that monitor everything you want, check for a complete list. Im still unsure of the origin, I suspect. Not really a Xirrus problem as much as a desklets problem. Cinnamon 4.4 (latest released version) on Debian From a Debian bug report Several users seem to experience weirdness with mouse clicks with Cinnamon, this problem may have been around for years. Last edited by mistake25 on Sun 7:26 pm edited 1 time in total Seems to be light on resources, and works good with my dark background. I want som type of dock/panel for xfce, i want to have there lauchers of programs that i'm using i was trying to use xfce panel, but i want to have transparent background and second thing i want is some desklets for monitoring cpu/ram/hdd usage and temperature something like gdesklets but for xfce I'm not sure this is the right forum, but i have no idea where to ask this Posted: Tue 9:34 pm Post subject: xfce dock and desklets Gentoo Forums Forum Index Desktop Environments

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