Kennedy, but it also examines how costly telling the truth could be for an eyewitness like Roger Craig, who threatened to expose the lies of the official narrative surrounding the assassination of the 35th President of the United States. This first-hand account of what took place in Dallas on November 22, 1963, proves not only that there was a vast conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy, his investigation in Dealey Plaza after it occurred, and the massive cover up that followed. This new 2021 Special Edition of Craig's manuscript documents his eyewitness account of the assassination of President John F. Gary Shaw, first generation JFK assassination researcher and author (Cover-up, Trauma Room One) 5.0 out of 5 stars.When They Kill a President was originally written in 1971 as an unpublished manuscript by Roger Dean Craig, a decorated Dallas Deputy Sheriff who won 'Officer of the Year' for Dallas County in 1960 for outstanding performance in the line of duty. Read it and weep a little, not necessarily for the honest deputy, but for our republic." -Review by J. One must be careful when you call the liars "liars." Especially when it concerns a conspiracy to murder your President. A great personal account of a top Dallas cop (an officer of the year Deputy Sheriff) one who told the truth about what he saw in Dallas' Dealey Plaza-and paid an awful price for it. "With the JFK assassination, telling the truth can get you hurt.